As Time Flies

Many clocks say on their face, Tempus Fugit, or "Time Flies." For me, the older I get, the faster time seems to fly by! I'm even more aware of the passage of time as we begin a new year today!

What better time to show the small collection of vintage and not so vintage clocks and time pieces like the one above.
This black vintage mantel clock, made by Ansonia was a flea market find, and is one of my favorite clocks.

A petite hand painted Gilbert 1807 clock sits on the bookshelf in the living room.
It has the sweetest chime!

Another flea market find, this old Sessions mantel clock is quite unusual with it's crazed finish.
I like hearing the tick tock of these clocks. It is a reminder of the passage of time, but also it is a comforting sound.

The grandfather clock in the dining room is Mr. A's pride and joy!
It is a French Morbier, also known as a Comtoise or Privincial clock.

The case is pine, with hand painted flowers which is typical of these country clocks.
But the best part is the pendulum. It depicts a fisherman and as it swings back and forth, so does the fisherman's arm as he nets his catch.

In our kitchen in the wine country is this clock, a recent find.
The face is actually a reproduction of the French Morbier clock.

This little bedside clock was a gift from my sister-in-law.

I love this tiny enameled clock in the guest room.

One of my all time favorite clocks is this one. It belongs to my friend Diana. I'm always on the lookout for one just like it. Someday....Who knows, maybe in 2011 I'll find this one at a flea market, just like some of the other clocks in my house.

And so second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, our clocks are ticking away, reminding us of how fast time does fly by!

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

I'm joining Laurie at Bargain Hunting With Laurie for Favorite Things Saturday.

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