Hunting and Gathering at Candlestick Park

Northern California's newest antique fair is held at Candlestick Park, home of the San Francisco 49ers. BFF Maureen and I went yesterday, and had a great day of doing what we love to do more than anything: hunting and gathering!

We both ended up finding our treasures within the first half hour!

Maureen considered this pair of lamps, but ended up walking away from them. I was lusting after the angel in the birdcage. Actually, the birdcage was calling my name too!

What I did buy from this dealer though is this pair of candlesticks.

Maureen fell in love with this "fake" trumeau mirror. The dealer said it came out of a hotel and was probably from the 40's. Priced right, she bought it without hesitation!

Close up of the linen scene on the mirror.
I could have arm wrestled her for this! But she had the perfect place for it, and I didn't!
I can't wait to see where this ends up in her home.

The popular antique linen and pillow dealer was there.
I was tempted to buy this adorable pillow for the granddaughters....

Uh oh! How cute are these tartan slippers?

Another favorite dealer has lots of wool and flannel shirts, mostly from Pendleton.

A nice pair of botanical prints.

Just enough rusty, crusty stuff to look at!

The Candlestick Park Antiques and Collectibles Faire is held on the third Sunday of the month...

...Unless it's football season.
Not yet as big as the Alameda Antique Faire across the Bay, I have no doubt that it eventually will be.

My candlesticks from Candlestick Park now have a new home!

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