My Design "Bucket List"

#1 Totally gut and decorate the inside of an Airstream travel trailer.
Then travel across the United States!

#2 Transform a mid-century rancher into a quaint cottage.
Then live in it, in all its single story glory!

Polished Pebble
#3 Pull up the front lawn in #2 and plant a raised bed vegetable garden, with stone walls.

#4 Design a chicken coop for the backyard of #2 and #10 and finally have chickens in my life!

#5 Decorate a rustic cabin in the woods.

#6 Decorate a cottage by the sea.

#7 Design, build and decorate a house from scratch, complete with guest cottage for resale.

#8 Have a store that sells both new and vintage furnishings and accessories.

#9 Travel to Europe, buying for #8!

#10 Live in Europe and remodel a French mas in Provence, or a villa in Tuscany, just like Peter Mayle and Frances Mayes did! Oh, and have chickens in the yard there too!

I realize everything on my design bucket list is for the last half (or quarter) of my life. Creative adventures to keep busy with while enjoying the golden years! While I will probably only check a couple of boxes on the list, like gardening and chickens, it's good to keep dreaming, right?
I plan to elaborate on each item, so be sure to check back for more details, starting with #1, Remodeling an Airstream!

What's on your design "bucket list?"

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