Summer Dreaming on Such a Winter's Day

"I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape - the loneliness of it, the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn't show."
~Andrew Wyeth

Last week, I got up very early in the morning when we were in Asti.
It was so cold, there was even frost on the chaises. Yes, there is beauty in this winter landscape, but I'm missing the warm months already!

Ahhh, remembering last summer....

We drove to the Russian River at the Summer Bridge later in the day to check out the river levels. It's a fisherman's "thing" to do. The river is a raging torrent!
In fact the Summer Bridge is gone.

The river last summer...

Back at the house, I noticed the Mulberry Tree has lost all it's leaves and got it's annual haircut.
Oh, how I miss those beautiful green leaves!

It's hard to believe they will grow back like last summer.

The grapevines have all been cut back, everything is bare.

They too will grow back and look just like this.
Dreaming of summer...

Cold and gray, dead or dormant, the garden is asleep.

Dreaming of summer...

It's like everything is hibernating, waiting to come alive again.

Dreaming of summer....

I'm learning to appreciate the beauty of winter, but it's hard!
Mr. A prefers winter because he is a winter steelhead fisherman.
Me? Not so much! But I'm trying!

Because Summer is my Favorite Season, I'm joining Laurie at Bargain Hunting With Laurie for Favorite Things Saturday!
I'll also be joining The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sundays!

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