Winter Decorating

Country Living
I have put away all the Christmas decorations and now the house feels cold and bare. Does that ever happen to you?
January can be a little daunting when it comes to decorating our homes. But now we can embrace winter decor without all the holiday themes.

Country Living
On the mantel, I leave some of the greens and then add flowering bulbs that I planted in December. This time of year I plant bulbs like hyacinths and more narcissus every two weeks to bloom in the dead of winter.

It's fun to see their roots form and the smell is wonderful when in bloom.

Country Living
Simple arrangements under glass and lots of pine cones say January to me.
This is when you can tap mother nature for lots of decorations, some of which are free!
Like branches and twigs, berries and nuts, apples and oranges.

I also appreciate the warmth of velvets, chenilles and wool throws this time of year, since January is for cuddling up and staying warm.
This is when a velvet upholstered bed layered with wool blankets just seems perfect!

Since daylight is short in January, I like having lots of candles around the house to keep things festive and relieve the winter blahs. Candles scented with cinnamon, pine, orange or even gingerbread are also nice.

And of course, there's nothing like a fire all aglow while it storms outside!
We keep logs on hand made from recycled material such as coffee. They burn clean and are safer for the environment.

To sum up:
  • Remember to use natural elements, like twigs and pine cones, and winter flowering bulbs. Fruits like apples, berries or studded oranges in arrangements.
  • Add a paisley wool throw, a plaid blanket or a quilt to the sofa or bed, and pile on the pillows.
  • Set spicy scented candles everywhere, and light them!
  • Build a fire and cozy up to winter!

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